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  1. C

    Local Biking Clubs

    Each weekend we get loads of bikers going past our house. My husband thinks we have a local cycling club that must ride a route that includes our road. We will see packs of 10-15 bikes cycle past, several times a day every Saturday and Sunday. Do any of you belong to any bike or cycle clubs...
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    Placement of tent

    I remember the camping trip fondly when we had a spot next to the restrooms. The restrooms had a tin roof, and that summer happened to produce a bumper acorn crop. The entire night it sounded like a gun going off next to the tent as the acorns would drop from the trees and hit the tin roof...
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    What Type Of Christmas Tree Do You Like?

    I have no idea which kind I like...I guess I like them all. Blue spruce are really nice, but I also like a balsam fir. One year we got a tree that had pine needles that smelled like oranges. That was a pretty tree!
  4. C

    Limited Edition Haagen Dazs!

    So I bought a pint of Haagen Dazs Limited Edition Peppermint Bark ice cream tonight on a whim and I thought I died and went to heaven! That has got to be the smoothest and creamiest ice cream I have ever tasted! They also had a Limited Edition Cranberry Pumpkin Spice. It's so good it's evil...
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    Howdy Howdy

    Welcome Bojib! What a great introduction! I'm relatively new here as well, but I'll tell you there are some really wonderful, knowledgeable people here who know what they are talking about and are happy to share their passions with new comers who wish to learn!
  6. C

    Poison Ivy gone yet?

    My husband got a terrible case of poison ivy while hunting in January. He was actually out of work for a week because his hands and face were so swollen (my husband is horribly allergic). My friend's son is home sick from school right now with a terrible poison ivy rash, so if you are...
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    Cold/Flu Season

    I just took my nighttime sinus medication and as soon as I finish posting here and checking facebook one last time, I'm heading off to bed. I'm not feeling so great, and I have to be at my church tomorrow at 7 AM to decorate for my friend's wedding! I'm exhausted and I feel like I have cotton...
  8. C

    Casualties of the snow storm

    I was very sad to discover that I lost 2 of my fruit trees in the 14 inches of heavy snow that fell last week. My only cherry tree lost the largest main branch, and one of my apple trees split in half. I have 9 other apple trees, but my cherry tree was my pride and joy....I harvested...
  9. C

    Pass around fudge

    I absolutely have to try this recipe! I love fudge, and this would be fun for the kids to help with. I have all the ingredients and we could even try this tomorrow night while it's snowing! (Yes, I said snowing!)
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    Peanut Butter Marshmallow Pie

    I will definitely be trying this recipe. I love everything that involves peanut butter and chocolate...throw in bananas and a graham cracker crust and I just know I will be in heaven.
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    Which is your favorite outdoor activity?

    Camping is my favorite outdoor activity. I think it's because I associate camping with fun family time. I have never had a "bad" time camping. Even when the weather has been bad we've still managed to have fun. I just love it.
  12. C

    Road Trip Trip Report - Utah and Colorado

    Oh my goodness what gorgeous pictures! I would love to visit there someday....absolutely breathtaking!! I would love to know what kind of camera you use and how you managed to take such a gorgeous picture of the stars? That was delightful! Thank you for sharing!!
  13. C

    no zombies

    You must have been watching the Walking Dead on AMC? That is a great show! I saw on the after show that zombies cannot swim. I think that is a great on a boat, find an island and see how you fare. I'll have to share that idea with my husband....he'll like it!
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    I have never tried them, but they do not look appetizing at all. I just don't think a burger joint should delve into ribs. I can't get my mind around it. Don't get me wrong, I know people who LOVE them...just not me. Give me an old fashioned Big Mac any day!
  15. C

    Tent material?

    What material is your tent made out of? What kinds of tent material do you recommend for different situations? I want to buy a white canvas tent that I saw in Cabela's, but I am concerned that it would not be a good option for summer. I hate to have to store 2 different tents. I don't plan...
  16. C

    Pineapple Upside Down Cake

    Does anyone have a recipe to make pineapple upside down cake over a campfire? We made one many, many years ago when I was in Girl Scouts, and of course I don't have the recipe. Any help would be great! :tinysmile_grin_t:
  17. C

    Locking Coolers?

    Do you know if they sell coolers that lock and are animal proof? We are camping in bear country and there are pretty strong rules about food storage. I was wondering if they made a locking cooler that is also air tight and possibly odor proof? I don't just want to use a regular cooler locked...
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    first time colder weather camping

    You didn't say if you were staying at a campground or not. Most campgrounds these days offer electric hook up, even for tent sites. My grandparents (Vermonters born and raised!) often went late season camping, and my grandmother was not above bringing an electric blanket and portable electric...
  19. C

    What Is The Best Way To Scare A Bear?

    Well I can tell you from experience that throwing gourds left over from fall decorating at a bear WILL NOT scare off a bear! I admit, it wasn't one of my brighter moments.... :)