Recent content by racoon

  1. R

    Ever flipped a touring canoe?

    The very first time we ever went canoeing, all we did was capsize. I hated it and swore I would never go again! I thought it was hard. But I went again and now I can canoe!
  2. R

    Carving My Own Paddle

    There is a lot of good advice here for customizing the perfect paddle for oneself. I imagine carving your own paddle, if you are so inclined to do so, would take great craftsmanship. But it would make a fantastic family heirloom, and something to brag about and be proud of!
  3. R

    Do You Wear A Life Jacket When Canoeing

    I can not imagine anyone not wearing one! Don't they realize how exhausted they could become flailing around in the water and trying to swim to shore? I'm the same as Newanderthal, I am terrified of drowning and I have nightmares where I wake up in the middle of the night trying to catch my...
  4. R

    Best Kayaking Venues

    Where or what are the best rivers, parks, lakes, etc., for kayaking in your opinion? What natural environments do you like the best? I tend to like tropical swampy places the most, but I'm opened to anywhere.
  5. R

    Dirt Bikes

    I think they should be used in private areas only. That is what they are meant for, not disturbing the public or damaging properties.
  6. R

    ice on a bike!

    No, I would never be brave enough to try it, not unless they came up with some failproof snow tires for bikes or something! Hey, that may be a good invention for somebody! I am glad your friend didn't get hurt, though!
  7. R

    Do You Use A Helmet When Riding

    Yes, I do, ever since my cousin crashed on her bike. She hit her head and was knocked out. It is better safe than sorry.
  8. R

    The most comfortable bike model

    What is the most comfortable bike to buy for a leisurely ride? Total comfort is not just in the bike seat, is it? Would it not depend on the size and make, the handlebars, the pedals, etc? I may be wrong.
  9. R

    My Kitten

    There are some breeds of cats that actually like water. What breed is your cat? If it is a mixed breed, maybe it has some purebred genes in it somewhere that likes water. I read a story on the net about a cat who liked water so much, it took to surfing. Hey, there's an idea!
  10. R

    Sand Fleas

    I can remember camping out on the beach as a teen and getting eaten alive by sand fleas. It was miserable! I read buying a supply of diatomaceous earth can treat an area to kill sand fleas. It is safe and non-toxin to humans and pets. I think a skin insect repellent can be used, too.
  11. R

    Cat camping?

    Well, I guess it depends on how the cat behaves. If it doesn't act up and go crazy from being tied up, then I guess it would be okay for a few days, but not for a long period. Although, I think the cat would be happier in his own domain at home.
  12. R

    Dog in the tent?

    I can't imagine leaving my little buddy out all night. He would never survive! I think if you have a notion your dog(s) are going to be a pain, then don't bring them. I think as long as their toenails are trimmed up, there should not be any problem with them ripping anything.
  13. R


    I live in Florida have a fascination with aquatic plants. I can remember gathering cattails along the banks of fresh water lakes and canals when I was a kid. Whenever camping or boating along a river or lake I keep my eyes opened for these beauties. I've recently learned they have culinary...
  14. R

    No ice skating yet!

    Yeah, if there are any Floridians who wish to go ice skating you'll have to go to an ice skating rink. There are a lot of rinks in Florida. Most born and raised Floridians usually don't think about ice skating, such as myself. I think more of water skiing as an activity in the south.
  15. R

    Best winter tent camping item?

    Wow, super excellent suggestions here! I will probably end up buying him several items mentioned here, and a gift card (good idea, ChadTower) to pick out his own hi-tech clothing, then refer him to this forum. All the items mentioned here are just fantastic! I love that wood stove idea, too...