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    The Longest Cooking Time

    If you like to cook your meal beside your tent, how long is the longest cooking time that you ever had? I know some meal could take an extra time for the preparation
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    Your worst camping experience

    We have some favourite camping spot, favourite things to bring, and etc. But do you have a bad experience when you are camping, and makes you don't wanna come back anymore?
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    Pony vs Big Horse

    If you like a horse riding, are you prefer to riding a pony or a big horse instead? A big horse looks scary for a first timer, but they can be very gentle once you get to know each other.
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    Favourite gear

    If you are a regular scuba diver, do you have a favourite brand or a favourite gear for your scuba diving trip? Maybe you have a certain gear that you always use and you know that its the best for you