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  1. F

    Cold enough for a fire now

    I live in Florida and it has been cold enough to use our big metal tub to make a fire. I love the winter here. I do bundle up but I hate sweating. I like the cold. I have to remember to get some marshmallows when I go shopping. Hot dogs too. My boys love to cook a hot dog over the fire. It`s...
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    I hate catching squid

    My husband likes to fish on a Pier we have here. But it seems all I catch is squid. Then he cuts them up for bait. They squirt that black inky stuff everywhere. Yuck! I would rather use live shrimp but then he has to bait my hook. I`m not touching those squirmy things. What do you all like to...
  3. F

    Freeze it first

    I have never frozen my food that I take camping. I usually use a cooler and ice. But that`s not a bad idea for foods that you may not use right away. Some foods don`t taste as good after being frozen though. I`ll remember that the next time we camp.
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    Blind climbers make it up Mt. Kilimanjaro

    That is really amazing. I love stories like this. If just shows you that if people with disabilities can do something like that, just think what we could do without any disabilities. I admire them.
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    Grabbed the wrong end of the stick

    I was roasting marshmallows one time at camp. I laid my stick down to eat it and when I picked up my stick again somehow I grabbed the wrong end and burned the you know what on my fingers. Ouch! I guess I shouldn`t be drinking and roasting lol.
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    Paddle with your feet

    Here in Florida, well actually it`s at Disney World, they have a place where you can camp. You can rent different types of water craft too. One of them is this thing you sit in and use your feet to peddle like a bike. I tried it once and it made my legs so sore. It`s fun but I guess you need...
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    Wild Fruits

    I would get a book on that subject if I wanted to see what was good to eat. There are so many poisonous plants out there. Or like 2coast said, ask a guide first.
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    Making Your Own Trail

    I have done what 2coastcamper has done. We have a great camp ground up in Brooksville. The river there is called the crooked river. It winds all around the camp. We would follow that instead of the trails. The only animals we would run into were snakes, raccoons, rabbits. I never saw a gator in...
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    The Best Stew

    If I were to take stew camping it wouldn`t be rabbit. I tried rabbit once and it tasted really weird to me. I make my own stew. Meat, potato's, veggies and stew mix packets.
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    Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?

    I have never been sprayed but my dog was. I was a little girl at the time. I remember my dad using tomato juice to bathe him in. I have no idea how to describe the smell.
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    Boat shows

    I love to go to the boat show that they have here in my town. It`s held down by the pier. The boats are beautiful. Of course I guess Yacht would be a better would for most of them. Most of the owners let you go on the boat/yacht and walk through it. I have seen some that look like luxury...
  12. F

    Are any drinkable creeks left?

    I was up in the mountains back in 1999 with my kids. We were just checking things out and wandering. We found what I would call a creek. The water was really cold and so clear. I didn`t drink it lol. But that pretty cool Happyfeet. Maybe I should have tried a little bit of it. But how do you...
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    Their own tent.

    I am just like pebbles. Very afraid to be too far from my boys. I would give it a try but I would make sure their tent was close to mine.
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    Cooking Egg With Mud

    That is really unusual. It always amazes me when I hear of things like this. I guess we humans can think up many ways to survive.
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    Snake Meat?

    Just the thought of eating a snake makes me ill. I have never done it and I don`t plan to . Well, I guess if I were stranded out in the woods or a forest I would if that was the only thing to eat.
  16. F

    How long does it take to learn scuba diving?

    My stepson knows how to scuba dive. I`m not sure where he learned though. It seems scary to me to go that far down. And all the dangers of coming up too fast and all that. How long does it take to learn enough so you know what your doing? I hear the news stories of people dieing while scuba...
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    Drake, I think they are raisins and cranberries somehow mixed together. I have seen the commercials but I haven`t tried them yet. That would be a good camping snack if you like them.
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    No Tents

    I went camping with a church youth group years ago. We all slept around the camp fire in sleeping bags. It was fun but uncomfortable at the same time. And the next day we all were blowing soot out of our noses lol.
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    Do you drink when you camp?

    I have had beer when I was camping with my ex and some friends. We had no kids with us. I have heard some pretty wild campers though lol. If I had little kids I wouldn`t drink. But being all adults I think if it`s kept decent and not rowdy.
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    I remember going on hayrides when I was little. It was always around Christmas. IT was so fun. I don`t know of anyone in Florida who has those. Anyone been on a hayride?