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  1. mccallum

    Stay off the cell phone and doing Facebook updates!!

    There was a lost hiker On Mt. Hood if I remember correctly whose GPS signal was lost when the cell Phone battery died because he had been calling family (ok, I can see some "If I don't make it calls) and from updating his status on Facebook. They did find him based o the last location they had...
  2. mccallum

    Bacon Flow chart

    Thought you all might like this
  3. mccallum

    Question for those who hike with their dog(s)

    What is your average mileage on a hike with the Dog? What is the average speed/how fast do you coverr the distance? Thanks!
  4. mccallum

    FYI: Limping Dog

    If you are haiking with your dog and the dog begins to limp and there are not foot/leg issues fond check for lumps and bumps on neck and back it could be a slipped disk that is the cause. My lab mix has had a on again off again limp for a month or so. I checked effected leg to the shoulder...
  5. mccallum

    Walking as a prep for hiking season

    The real is question how many of you use walking as in City streets to get ready for hiking/keeping in shape for hiking?
  6. mccallum

    Hiking with dogs when it is hot

    My question is; those who hike with dogs; how do you keep your hikeing partner (the four-legged one) cool as you hike besides watering when ever you water yourself. Mine is a BLACK lab/boxer and I know from my other black lab cross will get very hot as we do our thing!