COMMENTARY on Safety and Security

Northern Dancer


I read this recently - here is the full text unchanged.

"One way to secure your tent from the inside is to use a tent lock.
This special lock attaches to the zippers of your tent and prevents anyone from opening the zippers from the outside.
This can be a great way to keep your things safe and secure while asleep or away from your campsite."

What do you think is wrong with the statement? Of course, no dinky tent lock of any kind will keep your things safe and secure while you are asleep or away from your campsite. It's a tent. People are quick to suggest all sorts of things, like, "I bring a bazooka and sit outside my tent so nobody gets anything." "I bring my Doberman/Pitbull mix and surround my trailer with razor wire." "My handed-down Second World War machete keeps me safe."

If I have to bring a weapon to camp to protect myself from humans I'm not going.
But not to make light of the situation. There are dangers and they are numerous.

1] There are environmental elements like major storms, flooding, forest fires, and such. There are animal concerns and not necessarily focussed on bears.
2] Health emergencies. accidents and injuries.
3] Then, of course, there is the matter of dealing with "humans" and the dangers they/we pose.

If I let myself be terrified I would never have learned to swim, ride a bike, drive a car, or the thousand other things that I've accomplished in life. Outdoor living like everything else has its dangers BUT, it also has its rewards and I want those rewards. So what do I do?


I've learned to study, research, and plan. I've taken safety, first aid, cooking, wilderness, camping, mapping, compass, trailblazing, canoe, and bear management. I enjoy viewing excellent videos of the pros [Xander Budnic is a mentor] and learning from others. I've learned to use my "head" and capitalize on my experience and the experience of others.

I've only used a gun once in my life. When I was a camper at a summer camp I took riflery. Somehow I managed to shoot the ass of a cow grazing in the field.
I've never used a gun since and I've always been afraid of cows.

I'm prepared to learn new skills, prepare for trips, study, manage, and cope with the realities of canoeing and camping. Dealing with people of all kinds is a lifetime experience. The emphasis is always on learning, practicing, and using common sense.
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Minden, NV
The consequences of an injury in the bush are massive. Do everything you can to not get hurt. If someone needs assistance by all means give it to them.

High winds, lightning, flooding, etc. can be minimized by finding a safe place and hunkering down.
Maintain situational awareness. Keep your radar on for unusual people.
Animals like bears are around. Keep a clean camp.
I still carry a pistol as a matter of lifelong habit after working in Alaska.